Is High-Quality Linen Worth the Investment? 

high quality linen worth investment

It’s no secret that high-quality tablecloths and napkins can be expensive. But are they really worth the money, time, and resources required to keep them looking their best? For some restaurants, the answer is a resounding yes. Here’s when high-quality linen is worth the investment and upkeep costs.

Restaurants That Benefit Most from High-Quality Linen

High-end establishments need to maintain a certain level of sophistication and luxury, and part of that is providing guests with beautiful, well-made linens. But they aren’t the only kind of restaurant that gets value from professional tablecloths and napkins.

Casual Dining Restaurants

For casual dining restaurants, high-quality linen can be a great way to set your business apart from the competition. Families and groups often dine out at casual restaurants for special occasions. They’re usually looking for an affordable option that will still feel like a step up from their everyday dinner routine.

Contemporary-Casual Restaurants

Contemporary-casual restaurants are a step up from traditional casual dining, offering more refined dishes and a slightly more upscale atmosphere. Here, high-quality linen can reinforce your brand identity and help you attract a higher-spending clientele.

Cafes and Bistros

Cafes and bistros are usually more casual than contemporary-casual restaurants. However, they can still benefit from high-quality tablecloths and napkins. If your cafe or bistro is known for its chic atmosphere, using high-end linen can help maintain that image.

Family-Style Restaurants

Family-style restaurants are a type of casual dining, but they often have their own unique atmosphere and clientele. High-quality linen can help you create a more comfortable vibe that will appeal to families looking for a nice evening out without breaking the bank.

Restaurant Styles That Benefit Least from High-Quality Linen

For some restaurants, fine-dining linen is simply out-of-place and not a worthwhile investment.

Fast Food Restaurants

Fast food restaurants are all about quick service and low prices. In this case, high-quality tablecloths and napkins are usually not a good fit.

Fast Casual Restaurant

Fast casual restaurants are a happy medium between fast food and casual dining, and the focus is on efficiency. Customers are generally not sitting for very long and will not stay long enough to truly appreciate the enhancements that quality linen provides.

Buffet Restaurants

Buffet restaurants are generally hyper-casual dining establishments where customers feast on the food more than the ambiance. High-quality tablecloths and napkins might be out of place here.

These Are Standards, Not Rules

Neither this article nor standard expectations should be limiting. If you want to elevate the customer experience and improve the aesthetic in your fast-casual restaurant or buffet, high-quality, professional table linen is an excellent, cost-effective way to do it.

Make It Happen with Professional Linen Service by RAMMCO

RAMMCO provides high-quality, name-brand restaurant linen and apparel for restaurants throughout Northern California. We have the materials, experience, and customer satisfaction focus that will reliably provide what your business needs. We offer high-quality:

  • Tablecloths
  • Napkins
  • Aprons
  • Chef Wear
  • Bar Towels
  • Microfiber Towels
  • Lint-Free Glass Towels

Contact us at (916) 865-6301 or leave your contact information here, and a representative will contact you shortly.